Entering the Dojang
All foot traffic will be through the red door even if the garage doors are opened.
Do your best to avoid touching anything unnecessarily: doorknobs, desks, tables, chairs, other people. Stay out of the bathrooms and locker area.
Children can be escorted from vehicles by a black belt if needed.
Limiting the Number of People
Because of our high risk state, we are limiting the number of people in the studio at this time.
Class attendance will be by signup only. If there is space available at class time, it will be first come, first served.
Dragons class is the ONLY class we are allowing spectators at this time and it is one per family and they will need a mask. All other people will need to stay outside of the studio.
We will have marked out training areas. You will stay in your training area until class is over. To get to and leave your area, take the shortest route to the track without going through another training area.
Arrive in your uniform and bring in as little belongings as possible. We are not sparring each other so you will not need gear.
For several reasons, we will be in summer uniform. First, it is May and we usually switch to summer uniforms in May. Second, this will cut down on yáll’s laundry some and help yáll not overheat.
Summer uniform means your white dobok pants, your current belt, and a specific tee shirt. The shirt can be a solid white one, an ETTSD one, a martial arts related one, or one to match your belt. You can, instead of your uniform pants, wear SOLID white shorts.
Cleaning & Sanitizing
Many studios have students and parents help with cleaning after classes. Until now, we have not. This will change.
Any equipment you use you will wipe down and leave just outside your training area.
Students from the last class will help wipe down community areas.
Leaving the Dojang
All foot traffic will be through the red door even if the garage doors are opened.
Put on your shoes, grab your belongings, and leave. We love ya, we would love to shoot the breeze with ya, but being high risk as we are we need to avoid people as much as possible.
Do your best to avoid touching anything unnecessarily. Doorknobs, desks, tables, chairs, other people. Stay out of the bathrooms and locker area.
Children will be escorted to their vehicles.